Terms of Use

This document entails the general terms and conditions of services that users/consumers/customers are subject to while engaging with Securesee. The scope of use and access to services provided by Securesee will be defined under these decrees. The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use precede any verbal agreement between SECURESEE and Users. Contractual obligations will be constructed in accordance with both declarations. 

Users/Customers/Consumers are obligated to revisit the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy from time to time to note these changes in advance, as these may affect your rights. These changes will be notified to users/customers/consumers based on their subscriptions and registrations with Securesee. Freedom to amend contracts/subscriptions/registrations with Securesee under any of these circumstances/changes will be enforced upon request.

Agreement Terms

Upon using/accessing the services provided by Securesee (We/Us/Our), you agree to be electronically bound by these terms and conditions. Your use/access is defined as follows-

  1. Subscribing to the services provided by Securesee
  2. Creating a user account with Securesee
  3. Registering with Securesee

Services offered by Securesee are conditional to the acceptance of the terms and conditions specified under this document. Users/Customers/Consumers are advised not to engage with Securesee’s services if the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use are unacceptable. 

Agreement of Terms of Use and Service by Users/Customers/Consumers should be undertaken in consideration of the following-

  • Access to services in accordance with regional cyber law and policy 
  • Agreement to be electronically bound by the terms and conditions specified by Securesee through the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
  • Authorization to use these services with respect to age, designation, region, and other specifications 
  • Transparency regarding the provision of accurate consumer information and commitment to preventing fraudulent activities 

Securesee reserves all rights of services and content, whether ownership or intellectual. Replication of content or services by using Securesee’s trade secrets, copyrights, patents, and trademarks is subject to claim and dispute in accordance with the law. These policies come into full and immediate effect from the commencement of the contract and are expected to be carried out post-termination. 

Service Specific Terms

Securesee reserves the right to deny services to protect its interests, business, and otherwise. 

Securesee strictly provides paid services. These services can be accessed by individuals who can act as a valid legal entity and enter into contractual obligations by law, comply with the terms and conditions, and are eligible to use the services. 

All services provided by Securesee, including access to the website/services, are subject to change in terms and conditions under the following circumstances-

  • For legal compliance
  • For compliance and recommendations from regulatory authorities
  • To add updates and features to improve user experience 
  • To prevent fraudulent activities or misuse of services provided by Securesee
  • For maintenance, bug detection, and troubleshooting
  • In accordance with changes in company law, policy, and scope of work 

To use any services provided by Securesee, Users/Customers/Consumers must adhere to the Privacy Policy and are subject to data collection in accordance with the specified terms. 

Cost Strategy, Prices, and Payments

The cost of services and prices provided are exclusive of taxes due to the global nature of Securese’s service provision. Additional taxes will be calculated and reported to the prospective user/customer/consumer in advance and in accordance with the taxation policy of your region. Additional taxes will be displayed before purchase. Services will be accessible and usable solely after completed transactions. 

Failure of full payment as applicable will lead to suspension or termination in accordance with Securesee’s policies. This will lead to loss of use/access to services, accounts, subscriptions, and registration. 

Securesee relies on bank transfers for payments to provide users/customers/consumers autonomy with regard to cyber financial security and privacy. You can request bills, invoices, and other relevant statements and material from Securesee. Any and all payments are handled directly by Securesee and don’t demand affiliation or disclosure to third-party operators. 

At the reasonable discretion of Securesee, prices are subject to change from time to time. Elements that may affect the prices of the services provided by Securesee include-

  • Licensing cost 
  • Technical costs and change in provisions
  • Marketing and sales 
  • Overhead costs 

This scope is not limited. However, a further addition to this will be notified to the consumers in advance. Failure to adhere to payment changes and conditions will lead to termination/suspension as applicable. Consumers/Users/Customers are within their rights to demand a deactivation or termination of services from Securesee, which will be put to immediate effect or as demanded.

Cancellation, Termination, and Refund

Users/Consumers/Customers are entitled to demand a cancellation and refund from Securesee. These requests will be enforced and proceed without unreasonable delay. Securesee reserves the right to resolve issues the user raises, if applicable, before cancellation. 

Cancellation Terms

The standard procedure for cancellation of services provided by Securesee is as follows:

  • Users/Customers/Consumers can cancel their agreement with Securesee according to the contract agreed upon by all parties involved. Cancellation will be carried out upon the failure of the standard procedure to provide a conclusion for all parties, which involves timely identification and an attempt to rectify. 
  • In case of service dissatisfaction, Users/Consumers/Customers have a choice of specifying issues for rectification. 
  • In case of cancellation reasons, including integrity breach on behalf of Securesee, claims are subject to evaluation before cancellation. 

Cancelation is subject to the routine procedure for reasons other than those specified. 

Termination Terms

The user agreement is subject to termination under the following conditions:

  • Breach of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, including but not limited to misuse/replication/disclosure of trade secrets and other practices of Securesee. 
  • In case of illegal activities for compliance, quality, transparency, and other purposes in accordance with the law

In case of termination to protect the business-related interests of Securesee, termination of services will be carried out considering contract and agreement specifications previously drafted and confirmed by both parties.

Refund Policy and Terms

Users/Customers/Consumers (or Clients) of Securesee are not eligible for a refund under these specifications:

  • Payments for refunds will be made in USD at the time of purchase to maintain transaction values. 
  • Refunds will be cleared within 30 days, beginning with the cancellation implementation. 
  • No other forms of payment except bank transfers will be accepted.

License Terms 

Limitations and Prohibited Use

To protect the interests of Securesee, limitations, and prohibitions regarding access and use of services are specified as follows-

  • Securesee reserves the right to suspend and terminate services in case of fraudulent activities. A refund upon termination or suspension of services is not applicable in these cases. 
  • Suspension/Termination in case of fraudulent activities can be undertaken with/without notice for legal compliance. 
  • Users/Consumers/Customers assure and commit that the use of the services provided by Securesee will not entail any illegal/fraudulent activity in accordance with cyber security law and policy of the region. 
  • Users/Consumers/Customers commit to confidential terms of Securesee, including ownership rights. Reproducing or disclosing software, website, and other assets accessible for use to consumers is prohibited, especially in public, without prior consent. 
  • Any attempt to disclose trade secrets or other confidential information of Securesee will be subject to action in accordance with the law. 
  • Users/Consumers/Customers take responsibility to decode, comprehend, and apply any specifications in accordance with the law and policy under the jurisdiction they adhere to. Securesee is not compliant with any unlawful activities that follow in these cases.

Users are encouraged to discuss and disclose any violation to avoid action at the sole discretion of Securesee. 


Securesee ensures and commits to providing exceptional quality cyber services and facilities. However, complexities or discrepancies arising from human or technical errors are possible. Prediction and interim considerations regarding the failure of operations are subject to being resolved with immediate effect. For this purpose, Securesee reserves all rights to modify services for operational purposes. This includes termination and suspension of services as demanded, in accordance with the law. 

These cases are limited and act as exceptions. Securesee is not liable and doe not offers any validation, guarantee, or warranty of the services being error-free and lacking discrepancies. Securesee does not warrant the functionality of the services provided, not limited to the scope of fulfilling its purpose for users. 

Consumer rights vary with jurisdiction. If compliance is required in accordance with jurisdiction specifications, Securesee will revisit and comply with consumer rights upon negotiations. 


Securesee is not liable for the activities of third-party operators, vendors, and partners. This liability is in condition to non-disclosure policies and agreements Securesee holds with the above-mentioned parties, excluding Google Analytics. 

Securesee is not liable for the loss of profit or damage of any kind upon enlisting its services. Users/Customers/Consumers can contact Securesee regarding operational and other issues within 60 days of identification of the cause. 

Users/Consumers/Customers are liable to use services provided by Securesee at their own risk, in accordance with jurisdictional or business-related limitations. Securesee is not liable for any discrepancies, except ones arising from operational issues of its services under each defining contract. 

Securesee is liable to undertake security, privacy, and safety measures for personal consumer data and services. Outside this scope, Securesee is protected from any liability from accidental or unpredictable cyber attacks that jeopardize consumer data or services. 

Under these circumstances, Securesee is liable to undertake rectification and preventive functions within its scope and maintain customer engagement appropriately and promptly. 

These terms of use act as an electronic agreement. You agree to understand the possible risks and scope of Securesee within each service or contract. 


You agree not to hold Securesee responsible for any damage or loss caused under the following circumstances:

  • Accidental or unpredictable cyber attacks
  • Breach of terms by Users/Consumers/Customers 
  • Violation of applicable laws by Users/Customers/Consumers
  • Negligence of Users/Customers/Consumers
  • Rare operational discrepancies arising from routine maintenance, checks, quality control, and security measures
  • Any disruption in services arising under the conditions specified as an Act of God

Securesee assures cooperation and active rectification of issues defined under its scope of operations. 

Dispute and Waiver

These terms and conditions are governed by the law of Israel, excluding disputes arising from conflicts of laws and principles. In such cases, dispute resolution will be undertaken with negotiations, including mandatory provisions. Compliance from both parties is expected to maintain ethical business relations. 

Securesee strives to address all concerns without lawsuits, legal proceedings, or trials. Users/Customers/Consumers are advised to contact Securesee directly before proceeding with action to allow scope for conflict resolution. If the dispute remains unresolved, appropriate action from either party will be performed according to the law. 

Any judicial proceeding under cases of conflict or dispute will be undertaken in the courts of Israel. In case of mandatory laws in the region of operation, as specified, certain provisions and changes will be made to accommodate resolution. 

Users/Consumers/Customers are encouraged to use Online Dispute Resolution platforms. 

The right to file a lawsuit is permissible under the condition that these activities are performed by the affected parties, i.e., Securesee and its Users/Consumers/Customers, and not via representatives or third parties via class or representative action. 


Contact Us

For any queries regarding the Terms of Use, here is where Users/Customers/Consumers can get in touch.