Vulnerability Assessment


This is the first step to creating or changing the organization’s critical IT infrastructure to make it sturdier, more reliable, and better. Vulnerability assessment is undertaken by exposing IT weaknesses through planned attacks on the system.

Securesee’s vulnerability assessment typically involves the following steps:

Scoping: The first step is to define the scope of the assessment, including the systems and applications that will be assessed.

Gathering information: The next step is to gather information about the systems and applications being assessed, including system configurations, network topology, and application architecture.

Identifying vulnerabilities: Vulnerability scanning tools are used to identify potential security vulnerabilities, such as unpatched software, misconfigured systems, and weak passwords.

Prioritizing vulnerabilities: The identified vulnerabilities are prioritized based on their severity and the potential impact on the organization’s systems and data.

Reporting: A report is generated that details the vulnerabilities found, along with recommendations for remediation.

Remediation: Finally, the identified vulnerabilities are remediated, typically in the order of priority.

There are two main types of vulnerability assessments: Internal and external. Internal vulnerability assessments are conducted from within an organization’s network, while external vulnerability assessments are conducted from outside the network.

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