Emergency Response

Emergency Response


Emergency Response is immediate action undertaken by the cybersecurity team of any organization to mitigate the damage of the cyber threat or event, recover lost networks and systems, and assist with preventive measures to avoid threats in the future. Emergency response entails communication across various teams in an organization, including but not limited to legal, management, and IT.

Emergency Response and Interdependence

Responsibilities in Emergency Response are not restricted to the IT or cybersecurity team. Upon an incident, general protocol entails identification, detection, mitigation, recovery, analysis, investigation, and reporting. With each of these protocol types, the supervision team fluctuates and coordinates.

During an Emergency Response case/scenario, the primary step entails using data and information derived from SIEM networks and software to interpret and identify threats. Upon identification, relevant teams are informed of the cyber concern, leading to mitigation.

Mitigation of cyber threats entails emergency response from the SOC team, which relays communications with the management and legal team. This information could be relayed to customers or investors, conditional on the magnitude of the threat. An emergency response scenario relies on cooperation, corroboration, and interdependence.

Consequences of Untimely Emergency Response

An untimely response to a cyber threat or untimely Emergency Response could have the following impact:

Operational Disruption

The likelihood of disruptive business operations is immense in a cybersecurity threat event. This can cause delays in service and possible financial loss. Operational disruption could occur due to automatic storage and retrieval systems being compromised in a mechanized supply chain management system. Emergency Response can reduce chances of operational disruption in the long run by facilitating businesses to keep them foregoing. Overcoming cyber threats on time can transform into sturdy networks and systems that ensure ever-evolving mitigation techniques.

Loss of Credibility

Upon a cyber event or threat, compromise or loss of data is highly likely, and one of the most common types of attacks. With this compromise comes a need for more consumer trust, directly impacting stakeholder relationships. Emergency response in avoiding this entails timely detection and mitigation of a cyber threat/event.

Data loss/theft

Loss of data or theft is crucial to avoid, especially for businesses surrounding customer/consumer service directly (B2B ventures). Stakeholder relations matter in these businesses; lacking Emergency Response procedures could mean bad news. The emergency response relies on timely mitigation.

Regulatory Consequences

Compliance considerations in accordance with legally sound policies, procedures, and other regulations are essential for any business practice to be conducted. An adequate emergency response program considers these policies, procedures, and regulations, which could otherwise lead to operational disruption, legal costs, and other practices redundant to business.

Emergency Response with Securesee

Emergency Response with Securesee entails legally compliant procedures provided by industry-leading operators, ensuring the security of networks and systems. Securesee helps organizations meet their business operation objectives and concord amongst teams.

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